Presentation of guidelines on the actions of security institutions in accordance with ensuring the protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and the right to freedom of movement

A set of five guidelines was developed as part of the project Contribution of the Academic Community to the Protection of Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina (CAHR Project) which the University of Business Engineering and Management, Faculty of Law in Lukavica in cooperation with the Association for Democratic Initiatives from Sarajevo, with the financial support of the European Commission, has been implemented since January 2021. In order to improve the policy of protection of human rights to freedom of thought and expression, human rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and human rights to freedom of movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina, extensive quantitative and qualitative researches of the domestic legal framework and practices of security institutions were carried out within the aforementioned project, and above all the police and courts. Certain deficiencies and vagueness of the domestic regulations were identified and mapped, as well as deficiencies in the internal procedures and instructions for the actions of these institutions, which in the previous period resulted in a considerable number of institutional violations of the three mentioned human rights. In this regard, the expert working group, which was formed as part of the CAHR project, in order to improve the situation in this field and increase the level of protection of given human rights, developed a set of guidelines on the actions of security institutions, which includes: 1) Guidelines on the use of force against perpetrators of offenses in the area of public order and peace; 2) Guidelines on police powers at public assemblies; 3) Guidelines on police action during the factual identification of a misdemeanor; 4) Guidelines on implementing the practice of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms by the police and courts (in relation to Articles 1o and 11 of the Convention and Article 2 of Protocol No. 4) and 5) Guidelines on discovering and proving the so-called fake news.