Original and transparent scientific papers, previous publications, scientific debates, professional articles, comments on court decisions, contributions from international scientific and professional life, lectures from scientific and professional papers, collections, book reviews, etc are published in the journal “Archive for Legal and Social Sciences” at the Faculty of Law of PIM University in Lukavica by teachers and associates of the Faculty of Law as well as the other scientists from the country and abroad.

The journal is published in Serbian, and the title of work, the author’s title, the institution in which he is employed, the summary and keyword articles are translated into English. Papers that are not delivered in Serbian shall be published in the original language in accordance with the spelling of that language, stating the contents and the summary of the article in Serbian or English.

The journal comes out once a year.

Papers that do not meet the basic criteria of the journal regarding the structure of work and the citation rules, will not be considered by the editorial board. If the manuscript meets the standards of the journal, it is referred to an anonymous review. Every paper is evaluated by at least two objective reviewers, selected from among the recognized experts from the narrower scientific field. By review, manuscripts are sent to authors with remarks and suggestions for remedying deficiencies. The corrected manuscripts should be returned by the authors to the editorial board within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of the request for refinement and correction.

By submitting manuscripts for publication in the journal, the authors agree to set up their works on the website of the magazine, or on the website of the Faculty of Law in Lukavica. Authors transfer to the magazine the right to publish the delivered texts and no part thereof can be reproduced without the written consent of the editor of the magazine. The journal reserves all other rights, unless otherwise agreed with the author.

Authors, for the journal “Archives for Legal and Social Sciences” should respect the following rules:


  • The paper must be done in Microsoft Word, Latin script, Times New Roman font, size 12 pt.
  • Manuscripts, should not be longer than one half of the sheets. One half of the tabs is 8 pages of 28 lines with 66 characters in a row, or 14400 characters.
  • Tables and graphic representations should be done in Microsoft Word. Each table and chart should be numbered and have the appropriate name (eg: Chart No. 1). The title and the name of the table and chart are placed above the table and the graphic representation, while the source is listed below, arranged according to the rules of the journal.
  • Equations are written in a graphical equation editor, exclusively in Microsoft Equation, and are set to the beginning of the line. On the right edge of the row, in the same row in which the equation is written, in its square bracket, its number should be indicated, beginning with number 1.
  • Photos (pictures) must be prepared for black and white printing,which means that if the original image in colors that do not differ in black and white printing, the colors must be replaced with a “raster”, i.e. different graphic characters that need to be explained in the legend. Only the most essential text needed for understanding, such as measurement variables with their dimensions, a brief explanation on curves – is entered in the images. The rest is stated in the legend below the picture. The maximum image size is 13 cm x 17 cm.
  • Scientific and professional papers must contain: name and surname of the author, name and head office of the institution in which he works, title, summary (abstract) with basic work results (volume from 100 to 250 words), key words (up to ten words) essence of work, conclusion (about one page) and list of references, title of work, summary and key words in English. If the article is written in Serbian, the summary in a foreign language is given in an extended form as the summary, volume 1/10 work. The constituent parts of the summary (abstract) are: the aim of the research, the method used, the results and a brief conclusion. The list of references lists bibliographic references, such as monographs, articles, etc., and other sources, such as laws, used internet addresses, court decisions collections…References are printed in alphabetical order in accordance with the prescribed standards.
  • In relation to the above, the authors must necessarily observe the following:

1) Title: 12 pt., bold, alignment centered, capital letters.

2) Name of author / co-author: 11 pt., alignment centered.

3) Institutions and E-mail addresses: 11 pt., Italic (they are written in the footnote).

4) Abstract and Keywords: 11pt., alignment justified.

5) Text of work: 12 pt., alignment justified, the names of the units in capital letters with regular numbers (Alignment centered), the names of the sub-units in italic, alignment justified.

6) Literature: 11 pt., without a regular number in front; reference sources are listed in alphabetical order.

7) Image titles: 11 pt., italic, centered above the image.

8) Table Titles: 11 pt., italic, centered above the table.

9) Reference: 10 pt., refer them in the footnote.



The journal Archive for Legal and Social Sciences uses the next citation style – APA, the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association in accordance with Article 56 of the Rules on the publication of scientific publications (“Official Gazette of Republic of Srpska”, No. 77/10). The author’s citation is done in the text, without footnotes. So, authors are obliged to respect the following rules of citations:

  1. QUOTING IN THE TEXT (books, articles, dissertations)
  • Books, articles, and dissertations are listed as follows: When it comes to an author whose part of a book, article, or dissertation is quoted, the brackets mention the author’s last name, year of publication of the book and page number (eg Simović, 2006: 148) and if it is paraphrasing or summarizing part of the author’s text, it is not necessary to specify the page number (eg Simović, 2006). In the case of a foreign author, the surname is given in its original form in a foreign language (eg Roxin, 1963: 148).
  • If the book is written in co-authorship, both authors are given the first but also any subsequent citation (eg Ilic and Boskovic, 2007: 145). In the case of three or more authors, the surname of all authors and year of publication is first quoted (eg Milošević, Kesić and Bjelovuk, 2010: 140), and in each subsequent citation, the surname of the first author with the Latin abbreviation sur. (eg Milošević and sur, 2010: 154).
  • If several works by the same author are quoted, books or articles, and if the author has more published works of the same year being quoted, the Latin letters a, b, c, d, etc. are added to the year, followed by only the number of pages (eg Lazarević, 2000a: 67).
  • If several authors are quoted, then the authors of the original works are ordered in the brackets according to the order of publication and are separated by a point-comma (eg Bošković, 2010, 25; Škulić, 2011: 68).
  • Secondary citation is done in the following way: (eg Vukovic, 2004, quoted by Krstic, 2004: 110).
  • When it comes to the work of a group of authors (corporation, association, government body), the first citation in the text lists the full name of that organization with its recognizable abbreviation in brackets (eg Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe [OSCE], 2014: 109). For each subsequent citation, the abbreviation and year of publication (OSCE, 2014) is given.
  • Citing texts from the Internet should contain the first few words of the published work and year of publication (eg European Commission for Democracy, 2007).
  1. GUIDING LITERATURE (at the end of the article)

a) Books, articles and dissertations

  • Books are listed as follows: first surname (followed by comma) and first letter of author’s name, year of issue in brackets, (italic), publisher name and place of publication. A point is placed between the reference parts. The name of the publisher is optional, but it is good to mention. After this, the page from which the quotation was taken is written (eg Simović, M. (2006). Criminal procedural law. Banja Luka: Faculty of Law).
  • If the book mentions several places where it is issued, the first two are separated by lines (eg Tierney, J. (2006). Harlow – London: Pearson).
  • Articles are listed as follows: the author’s last name, and first letter of his name, then the year of the paper in brackets. After that, the title of the article in the magazine is written, the name of the magazine (italic), and finally the number of the magazine with the page being quoted. The name of the journal and the number are separated by commas (eg Škulić, M. (2010). Principle of Lawfulness in Criminal Law. Anals of the Law Faculty in Belgrade, 1/2010).
  • When an article is published in a collection of works in the Serbian or other Balkan language, after the title of the curriculum, which is written in italic, after the name of the editor, the word “ur.” or “ed.” or corresponding abbreviation in another language has to be mentioned in brackets (eg, in German „“). The name of the paper is italic, than the publisher (eg Buchanan, A. (1994). Liberalism and Group Rights.. In J. L. Coleman, A. Buchanan (eds.) Essays in Honor of Joel Feinberg. Cambridge University Press, 1-15).
  • If there are several authors of a book or article (up to three), they are separated by a point-comma (eg Bavcon, LJ.; Šelih, A .; Korošec, D.).
  • If a book or an article with more than three authors is given, the lastname is given, and the first letter of the name each of them, which is separated by comma (eg Dražić-Lutilsky, I., Gulin, D., Mamić-Sačer I., Tadijančević, S., Tušek, B., Vašiček, V., Žager, K., Žager, L., 2010).
  • Unpublished doctoral dissertations have to be given in the following way: Gajić, G. (2005). The position of the suspect in the criminal proceedings. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Law.

b) Legal regulations and electronic sources

  • Legal regulations are quoted in the following way: full name, then a newsletter in which the regulation is published (italic), and after that, the number and year of publishing. If the same law is to be quoted later, when the first mention is made after the line, the abbreviation under which the regulation will continue to appear (eg Law on Police Officers – LPO, Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska, 43/10 or the Law on General Administrative Procedure – LGAP, Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska, No. 13/02).
  • If the legal regulation is amended and supplemented, the successive numbers and years of publication of amendments (eg the Law on Child Protection, Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska, No. 4/02, 17/08 and 1/09) are quoted.
  • The quoting of court decisions should contain as complete information as possible (type and number of the decision, the date when it was adopted, the publication in which it was published).
  • Quoting texts from the Internet should contain the name of the quoted text, the date of access to the website and the address of the website (eg European Commission for Democracy through Law, Opinion on the Constitution of Serbia, taken on March 24, 2017 from http: //www.venice. coe.int/docs/2007/CDLAD(2007)-004-e.asp.)

The authors should also take note of the following remarks:

  • The article, paragraph and point of the regulation shall be indicated by the abbreviations of Art. and point, and after the last number there is no point (for example, ZKP, Article 5, paragraph 2, item 3 or CC, Articles 5, 6, 9 and 10 or ZPS, Articles 4-12) .
  • Foreign names are transcribed in the Latin alphabet in the Serbian language as they are pronounced, and in the first mention in the text, their surname is listed in parentheses in the original form in a foreign language with a italic, eg: Godme (Gaudemet) or Šenke (Schönke).
  • Latin and other words, internet addresses, etc. they are written in italic.
  • All quoted sources in the text of the paper should be in the literature list.
  • Sources not used in the paper should not be included in the literature list.
  • When several papers are quoted from the same author, the order criterion is the year of publication (first papers that are published earlier).
  • If there is a co-author along with the name of the author, papers in co-authorship are stated behind the authors.
  • If there is no author, the title of the work or the institution to which the authorship is assigned occupy the place of the author.