Dear students,


You can now submit your exams online. In the next few steps, we will show you how you can do it.

First, go to the student administration website:

Enter the required information: your index number and password that is set as your personal identification number.

After logging in, you will get the next menu. Exam application, passed exams and your financial status are options that are available to you.

To apply for the exam, select the first icon. You will receive a list of exams you can apply in the next deadline. Select the exam and apply by clicking on the “pen icon”, and confirm the application with OK on the notification.

If you want to cancel the exam application, you can do it by clicking on the “basket icon” in the order in which subject are canceled. And confirm the notification process.

You can exit the profile option from the program or go to the option to change the account code of your account.

If something is unclear to you, please call the student service. Best regards and good luck in future study.


Note: The online exam applying rules will apply from the June-July exam period of the school year 2018/19.