The student service is organized to work full time from 08.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. every working day. It is equipped with computers and software for processing all data about students, classes, exams and more.
The Student Service performs the following tasks:
- provides information to potential and current students about enrollment conditions in current year and enrollment conditions in the next year of study,
- enrollment of students into the 1st year of study and enrollment of students in several semesters,
- certification of semester,
- keep a students’ register,
- enter data into the information system database,
- issues and archives applications for passing the exam, with inputs,
- issues different beliefs: about the status of students, certificates of passed exams, etc.
- publishes curricula at the request of students,
- advertises classes in the school year by semesters, as well as schedules of exams, diploma papers, and other relevant information to students,
- process and archive all documentation for each student,
- issues diplomas and certificates of completed education at the Law Faculty of PIM University,
- performs other decisions at the order of the Director, the Teaching Scientific Council and the Rectorate.